Mission Statement:
Our mission is to protect and preserve Lake Bomoseen’s natural ecosystems and water quality through scientific research, lake monitoring, advocacy, public networking, and education. We are a 501c3 organization, an incorporated public benefit non-profit.
Vision Statement:
Lake Bomoseen, Vermont’s largest “inland” lake, is a thriving, resilient complex of interconnected ecosystems, including deep water, a mix of forested and developed shoreline, buffering plant communities, and rich adjacent wetlands. These provide diverse habitats for birds, fish, herptiles, and other aquatic animals, including rare and threatened species. Wildlife is at the forefront of all stewardship decisions.
Core Values and Purpose:
• We take a whole ecosystem, holistic-watershed approach to issues affecting this pristine public resource.
• We prioritize long-term ecosystem and human health over recreation in lake management strategies, basing decisions and advocacy on current, historical, and long-range data, including both quantitative and anecdotal components.
• Data collection must be an on-going, on-site process, requiring strategic monitoring by ANR scientists, as well as Lay Monitoring and input from the fishing and naturalist communities. A more robust data collection regimen is imperative, especially as we face a changing climate, to further our understanding of causal relationships.
• We adhere to the Precautionary Principle, opposing practices that potentially threaten lake species, ecosystems, or public health when there is scientific uncertainty about the risks and benefits to the environment.
• We oppose the use of herbicides in the management of Eurasian watermilfoil. We believe Lake Bomoseen is an ideal control site for herbicide-free AIS management studies and analysis, supporting the ANR goal of minimizing the use of pesticides.
• Lake Bomoseen belongs to all Vermonters. It is loved by part-time residents as well as visitors. Furthermore, the lake supports myriad wildlife species whose survival depends on human actions. Therefore, stewardship and management decisions must be made inclusively and transparently, with open communication, input, and cooperation between a wide variety of public stakeholders.
• The Lake Bomoseen Environmental Alliance is a volunteer organization open to all who share the above values. We vow to keep our membership fee as low as possible so that it will not be a barrier to anyone.